Catch-Photo-Release Tournament
- will be held for the calendar year 2024. Winners will be informed in January 2025. We will give standings and updates in our monthly newsletter.
- Only guests on a paid trip are eligible to participate. Anyone working for The Pelican is not eligible to participate.
- To enter your fish in the tournament you must take a picture of the fish on a ruler, clearly showing the entire fish and ruler, and then release the fish. You will show this picture to our host who will determine if it will be put on our CPR leaderboard showing the current anglers and fish lengths. The angler will send the picture to our host as well. Any pictures that are not complete or are questionable may be disqualified.
Fish categories:
- Redfish: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places
- Speckled Trout: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places
- The CPR leaderboard will be updated after each trip and we will report the current standings in our monthly newsletter
- Winners in each category will be sent a Pelican swag package to their homes.
- There is no cost to enter this tournament.
- If the angler or boat keeps the fish it is disqualified from entry.